
April 10, 2012

Catch up time

With under 2 weeks to go I'm trying to get all that I can done and in order and take it easy. Didn't take a shower today til about 5:30! Had a fun day in our jammies with the girls. We had another popcorn party with a Dora movie and lots of story time. I'm really getting uncomfortable and ready for Mr. Drew to make an appearance....I know I know, let God do His thing and be patient. I am just getting ready just in case he comes before the 24th.... I really stink at being patient and I know that's why God makes me wait. I have done a nice job this time around compared to Avery. I'm not nervous at all about delivery and recovery I'm just so anxious to see what he looks like and introduce him to the girls. I posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook and won't be staying up late to let them download onto here also, so check them out there. I am SOOO grateful to have made it this far with Drew. He has really been good to me and I know I'm going to miss his constant kicking and nudges that let me know he's doing well and he's ready to come out with a bang. All too shortly we're going to be passed out together on a chair, couch, bed, or wherever we can catch some zzzzz's and I might just for a second wish I had more time with him INSIDE!!


  1. You're so cute! i miss being pregnant and having babies!

    1. I bet...but I envy you being out of diapers and the fits stages.

  2. The girls are getting so big and are of course beautiful! We are excited to see Drew! Good luck Amy!

    1. Thank you. I'm totally biased but I too think they are so stinkin cute and some days keeps them alive! They're really fun right now and staring be to "friends" and it's precious! They're so excited about Drew. I can't wait to see them "mother" him.
