
January 28, 2012


A is turning 2 in a few weeks, G is telling me things like "I'm full, it's going to be impossible mommy" after I asked her to eat her last 2 bites of her strawberry, and little guy will be here in 12 weeks!!!!!!!!!!

Life does really speed up! We're coming out of the horrific week of teething, but still have a little ways to go and then some retraining A of wanting to be held at any given moment :) She's now saying things like "flower, yellow, yo(and knows how to use it), candy" in the SWEETEST voice ever...I will video soon.

I'm feeling huge and stretched out already. Pretty sure I'm going to get much bigger this time around. We're still negotiating on names and hope to have a name sometime in February (according to Matt who is all about taking his time keeping me anxiously awaiting).

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