I'm in awe of God and how good He is. He has been tugging at my heart, taking me on a journey, and finally I surrendered and now feel at peace again. We've decided to do a homeschool co-op next year for the girls. After hearing the words "she's just not ready" we knew very clearly that what God had been urging me to do was the better option...I knew that I was just too scared to step out on faith. But why, it's not like He calls us to things and leaves us to dry. Man I've been through this before and thought I had learned my lesson...guess not.
I get more and more excited about it each day and know that it won't be easy but He is my rock and my strength and He is going to be there every step.
Avery turned three, Drew is 10 months (crawling everywhere and wants mommy a lot...has a tooth coming in), and Grace always emphasizes she is four AND A HALF! God has brought me a knew mommy joy I can't explain. I love them more than I ever have and enjoy the good times more than I ever have. We still have our hard times but its like He is doing more work in my heart for when we will start school next year and spend a different kind of time together doing school. Lord thank you for reconnecting and bonding us like never before. May I never forget to cherish and appreciate them. May I live each day seeking what you would have for us.
How exciting that you'll be doing a homeschool co op! We do that too and we love it!